Can’t Cry Hard Enough

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - The Williams Brothers

The Williams Brothers

The Williams Brothers released this touching song, “Can’t Cry Hard Enough”, in 1992. It’s about missing someone who has died, and the helplessness that is felt from never being able to see that person again.

Some people might think this song, with a title and main lyric of “Can’t Cry Hard Enough”, is too “sad” for an album intended to offer comfort. That may be true for some people. There are those who are grieving, or struggling with a hard situation who prefer to listen to “Build Me Up Buttercup”. That’s great. I’ve done that too.

But I feel songs like this are important too because they offer a safe place to let go of the pain, when it feels good to take off the “brave face”, and just let it go.

It’s kind of reassuring to know someone has been through exactly what we are going through. It makes us feel less alone.

There is also a strong reminder in the lyrics of how precious life is. How it goes by so fast, and when someone is gone, we regret the simple moments where we took their presence for granted. We wish they knew how we miss them, and how we don’t understand why they are gone. And sometimes it’s true, we really “Can’t Cry Hard Enough” when we feel such a keen sense of loss.

It helps when a song is able to offer words we are at a loss for. Somehow, its writer magically weaves sentiments into a quilt of understanding where we are able to wrap our confusion. In my humble opinion, “Can’t Cry Hard Enough” is one of those songs.

Along with the beautiful Rhodes piano by Wally Minko, the gentle, flowing acoustic guitar of Kurt Griffey and Ron Wikso’s well-placed percussion; our version of “Can’t Cry Hard Enough” features the gentle sounds of wind.

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - Red Kite SoloSince the song says, I let go of you like a child letting go of his kite, I hope you will imagine that soft breeze carrying your grief to a place of understanding.

Let go of what you can’t control, and put it in the hands of God.